a depository of development documents 开发文件贮藏所; ADDD工具
abstracts of declassified documents 解密文献索引
accompanied by shipping documents 随附装船单据
accompanying documents 随机文件
Act Governing the Forms of Official Documents 固定因素之增量调变; 公文程序条例
active HTML documents 主动式HTML文件
Administrative official documents 行政公文
Agricultural history documents 双子空间鉴别分析(DSDA)
appended documents 附件
appertaining documents 有关证件
application of patent documents 专利申请
approval documents 批准文件
Approval of documents 激光多普勒; 文档审批
Archive of seismological documents 地震文书档案
arrival of shipping documents 发货单据到达
association of documents 文献类族; 书籍装订术
Authentication of documents 文件的认证; 不务正业
authorized documents 正式文件